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The information contained in this web site is NOT intended to prescribe or diagnose in any way and is not a substitute for professional help.
Please read the product warnings, listed under HERBS before ordering!

Medicine never tasted so good!

Now available in 3 sizes:
(Regular Size / 10 count packaged in brown coffee bags) = $4.99
(Economy Size / 35 count packaged in gold gable boxes) = $14.99

(1-mo. supply packaged in clear jar with white screw lid) = $14.99
A FREE reusable muslin tea bag is included with each 1-mo. jar.

1. ARTHRITIS TEA: (Lemon-flavored) A unique herbal tea that has successfully helped many arthritis victims. With anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties, this formula is specifically designed to cleanse not only the body, but the blood and joints as well.
INGREDIENTS: Scullcap, Devils Claw, White Willow, Black Cohosh, Prickly Ash, Slippery Elm Bark & Wool, Stevia and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

2. SLEEP-EZE TEA: (Lemon-flavored) A strong, proven sleep aid for insomnia victims.
INGREDIENTS: Chamomile, Black Cohosh, Valerian, Passion Flower, Scullcap and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

3. BRONCHITIS TEA: (Lemon-flavored) An all-natural herbal medicine that works with the body to relieve shortness of breath, tightness of chest and wheezing due to bronchitis.
INGREDIENTS: Scullcap, Blue Cohosh, Buckthorn, Ginger, Slippery Elm, Prickly Ash, Agrimony, Echinacea and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

4. BELL'S PALSY TEA: (Lemon-flavored) A special tea formulated and developed to help people who suffer from this disabling condition.
INGREDIENTS: Scullcap, Rue, Valerian, Black Cohosh, Buckthorn, Slippery Elm Bark & Wool, Prickly Ash, Ginger, Pau D'Arco and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

5. CIRCULATION TEA: (Lemon-flavored) An advanced herbal blend for healthy circulation.
INGREDIENTS: Gentian, Ginkgo Biloba, Stevia, Ginger, Rosehips, Hawthorn Berries, Butcher's Broom, Peppermint, Gotu Kola and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

6. TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA TEA: (Lemon-flavored) Specially formulated to alleviate the painful symptoms often associated with this condition.
INGREDIENTS: Alfalfa, Capsicum, Ginger, Scullcap, Valerian, Chamomile and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

7. FAT-B-GONE WEIGHT LOSS TEA: (Lemon-flavored) An effective multi-functional weight loss/energizing tea. Especially formulated to burn fat and excess calories, decrease appetite, aid in digestion, stimulate and energize, this formula will help you lose 2 to 5 pounds per week. WARNING: Should not be used by anyone with lupus. Do not consume if pregnant or nursing. If you have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this or any other herbal weight-loss products!
INGREDIENTS: Alfalfa, Hawthorn, Ginseng, Dandelion, Evening Primrose, Fennel, Passion Flower, Stevia, Garcinia Cambogia with Chromium and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

8. DIABET-X TEA: (Wintergreen-flavored) A sugar free herbal food supplement blended from herbs that are traditionally favored by people on a low sugar diet.
INGREDIENTS: Uva Ursi, Evening Primrose, Dandelion, Eyebright, Chicory, Marshmallow, Burdock, Stevia, Fennel, Ginseng and Wintergreen Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

9. SMOKER'S TEA: (Wintergreen-flavored) Exclusively designed for smokers, this unique formula contains antioxidant and tumor inhibiting medicinal properties, which cleanse and strengthen the lungs.
INGREDIENTS: Lobelia, Pau D'Arco, Chamomile, Prunella, Peppermint, Scullcap and Wintergreen Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

10. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TEA: (Lemon-flavored) This unique formula is designed to ease the pain associated with MS, as it helps rebuild the nerve sheaths affected by this chronic degenerative disease. It is possible to improve multiple sclerosis considerably with the aid of appropriate herbs and with careful digestive control. Professional help should always be sought for this complex condition. NOTE: To enhance the effectiveness of this formula, Evening Primrose Oil (available at most health-food stores) should be added to each cup of tea.
INGREDIENTS: Wild Lettuce, Chamomile, Evening Primrose, Pau D'Arco, Yerba Mate, Alfalfa, Passion Flower and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

11. BLADDER INFECTION TEA: (Lemon-flavored) This herbal tea contains natural antibiotics and urinary tract cleansers. May be used alone or, to enhance the effectiveness of this tea, may be used in conjunction with over-the-counter urinary analgesic tablets.
INGREDIENTS: Gotu Kola, Agrimony, Pau D'Arco, Ginger, Slippery Elm, Echinacea, Prickly Ash, Uva Ursi, Yarrow, Couchgrass and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

12. PMS / MENSTRUAL TEA: (Spearmint-flavored) This tea relieves PMS symptoms as well as the discomfort of menstrual pain and cramping.
INGREDIENTS: Black Cohosh, Black Haw, Dandelion, Angelica, Marigold, Scullcap, Wild Yam, Peppermint and Spearmint Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

13. MENOPAUSE TEA: (Spearmint-flavored) This tea eases menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, depression & vaginal dryness, and increases estrogen production, naturally.
INGREDIENTS: Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Marigold, Ginseng, Passion Flower, Wild Yam, Fennel and Spearmint Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

14. PARKINSON'S TEA: (Spearmint-flavored) This unique tea is formulated to help rebuild the nerve sheaths that are affected by this degenerative disorder of the nervous system.
INGREDIENTS: Pau D'Arco, Peppermint, Valerian, Indian Tobacco, Scullcap, Evening Primrose, St. John's Wort, Ginseng, Uva Ursi and Spearmint Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

15. COLD & FLU (NON-DROWSY) TEA: (Lemon-flavored) Get fast, non-drowsy relief from cold and flu symptoms: coughing, sneezing, sniffling, stuffy head and fever, with this all-natural herbal tea. Breathe easier when used in conjunction with our Camphormint / Eucalyptus Chest-Rub Ointment.
INGREDIENTS: Agrimony, Blue Cohosh, Echinacea, Ginger, Prickly Ash, Scullcap, Slippery Elm, Chamomile, Indian Tobacco, Pau D'Arco, Peppermint, Prunella and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

16. COLD & FLU (NIGHTTIME) TEA: (Lemon-flavored) Crawl into bed and forget your cold and flu symptoms, after you've had a warm cup of this soothing nighttime tea. Use in conjunction with our Camphormint / Eucalyptus Chest-Rub Ointment for a restful night's sleep.
INGREDIENTS: Agrimony, Blue Cohosh, Echinacea, Ginger, Prickly Ash, Scullcap, Slippery Elm, Chamomile, Indian Tobacco, Pau D'Arco, Peppermint, Prunella, Valerian, Passion Flower and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

17. MIGRAINE PREVENTATIVE TEA: (Spearmint-flavored) This relaxing tea is formulated to help prevent migraines before they start. NOTE: Migraines may be caused by many different things: stress, diet, menstruation, etc. (Frequent sufferers should seek the advice of their doctor.) When this tea is taken progressively as a preventative measure, results should be seen within one to two months.
INGREDIENTS: Feverfew, Meadowsweet, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam, Scullcap, St. John's Wort, Stevia, Peppermint and Spearmint Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

18. PROSTATE HEALTH TEA: (Spearmint-flavored) Prostate discomforts are estimated to affect 50-60% of men over 40 and 75% of all men over 60. Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) may include a swollen or inflamed prostate, frequent urination--especially at night, incontinence, blood in the urine or semen, painful urination or ejaculation, or the inability to urinate at all. While these symptoms are common, those experiencing them should seek the recommendation of a health care professional, since they may indicate a much more serious condition. This tea is a superior herbal formula designed to support the health and function of the prostate gland. It contains herbs that are recognized for their soothing effect on the entire urinary system, including Saw Palmetto Berries, which are very effective in decreasing urinary frequency.
INGREDIENTS: Saw Palmetto Berries, Uva Ursi, Pumpkin Seeds, Echinacea, Couchgrass, Horsetail, Hydrangea and Spearmint Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

19. YEAST INFECTION TEA: (Spearmint-flavored) With antibiotic and antibacterial properties, this unique tea is formulated to help reduce the itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms associated with this condition.
INGREDIENTS: Pau D'Arco, Echinacea, Uva Ursi, Goldenseal, Couchgrass, Peppermint, Stevia and Spearmint Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

20. KIDNEY STONE B-GONE TEA: (Wintergreen-flavored) This antilithic, diuretic tea is formulated to slowly break up and dissolve kidney stones, allowing your body to pass them naturally.
INGREDIENTS: Gravel Root, Dandelion, Hydrangea, Couchgrass, Marshmallow, Uva Ursi and Wintergreen Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

21. CHOLES-TROL TEA: (Lemon-flavored) An advanced herbal blend for healthy cholesterol control.
INGREDIENTS: Alfalfa, Capsicum, Evening Primrose, Ginger, Hawthorn Berries, Scullcap, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Peppermint and Lemongrass Herbs & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

22. ST. JOHN'S WORT TEA: (Lemon-flavored) A natural antidepressant that has been used as a mild tranquilizer for depression & insomnia. Quite effective for anxiety and emotional problems, without side effects. Safe, cheap and effective.
INGREDIENTS: St. John's Wort Herb and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

23. HEPATIC TEA: (Spearmint-flavored) Scientific studies have revealed that with proper nutritional support, the liver can regenerate. This blend contains potent, detoxifying herbs for rebuilding, cleansing and strengthening the liver.
INGREDIENTS: Milk Thistle Seeds, Dandelion, Fennel, Wild Yam, Sweet Hops, Echinacea, Stevia, Ginger and Spearmint Leaves & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

24. SINUSITIS (SINUS INFECTION) TEA: (Lemon-flavored) This tea contains herbal antibiotics, and it is specially formulated to alleviate the painful symptoms associated with a sinus infection.
INGREDIENTS: Fenugreek, Thyme, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Garlic and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

25. ANTIBIOTIC TEA: (Lemon-flavored) This tea contains high doses of herbal antibiotics.
INGREDIENTS: Anrimony, Gotu Kola, Cayenne, Echinacea, Yerba Mate, Fenugreek, Ginger, Goldenseal, Pau d' Arco, and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)

26. DERMATITIS TEA: (Lemon-flavored) This tea contains herbs that help with skin problems such as inflammation, itching, and other symptoms caused by psoriasis & eczema.
INGREDIENTS: Sarsaparilla Rt, Gotu Kola, Milk Thistle Seeds, Licorice Rt, Burdock Rt, Pau 'd Arco, Bupleurum Rt, Barberry, Goldenseal, Stevia and Lemongrass Herb & Essential Oil.

10 Tea Bags

35 Tea Bags
1-Month Supply (Loose Tea)


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Lip Balms
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Bath Salts
Herbal Information

Cherokee Valley Herbs & Medicinals
P.O. Box 2771
Carbondale, IL 62902-2771

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