CHEROKEE VALLEY'S HERBAL ARTHRITIS TEA FORMULA was developed out of sheer desperation. In 1991, the founder of the company was bitten by a tick carrying Lyme disease, and she began experiencing all the classic symptoms of this terrible disease. However, through a complex series of errors, her condition was misdiagnosed by local physicians; she was treated with painful, expensive injections of steroids directly into her joints. This treatment was not only ineffective against the Lyme disease but, in fact, worsened the condition. Her knees became so swollen and painful that she was no longer able to stand up or walk without assistance. After six months of excruciating pain, she finally received treatment for her Lyme disease (high doses of antibiotics and several anti-inflammatory medications). She underwent this drug therapy for the next 3 years. The results varied from month to month, but eventually the treatment failed to alleviate her swollen, painful joints. Her doctor then ordered a series of expensive tests at a local hospital. The results were baffling: a blood test for Lyme came back negative, MRI scans were within normal range, and bone scans showed nothing abnormal -- yet her joints remained painfully swollen. Her hands were also affected, swelling and becoming claw-like. Physically incapacitated, this once active woman sank into a deep depression, fearing she would be disabled for the rest of her life. (The delay in treating her Lyme disease had resulted in permanent arthritis.) Financially ruined from 4 years of expensive tests and costly medications, and still in unbearable pain, she seriously contemplated suicide.

Just when things were at their worst, a friend showed up at the door with an herbal tea that he swore would help. Despite her skepticism, she was desperate enough to try it. Within minutes of drinking that first cup, our founder began to feel some beneficial effects! Needless to say, she continued drinking the tea religiously, and two weeks later her joint pain had subsided, and the inflammation was noticeably reduced. As her physical condition continued to improve, so did her mental state. After drinking the tea for only 1 month, she found herself pain-free for the first time in over 4 years!!! Now, she is again enjoying an active, symptom-free, chemical-free life. Having obtained such wonderful results from these all natural herbal products, our founder became an advocate of holistic herbal medicine, and went on to develop her own improved arthritis formula. Determined to spread the news to fellow sufferers, she started her own company. Today, her medicinal products are shipped to every state in the U.S. and 13 foreign countries.


C.D.N., from Southern Illinois wrote: Having suffered from scoliosis of the spine for 10 years, I began using CHEROKEE VALLEY'S HERBAL ARTHRITIS TEA FORMULA on the advice of a friend. After drinking your tea for only a few weeks, I began to notice subtle differences in my physical condition. I was able to easily perform the daily functions that had been so difficult before. What a tremendous product!

Lucille G., from Wisconsin wrote: Four years ago, my husband (82 years old) suffered four disabling strokes which left him permanently paralyzed on the right side. His bodily functions were also affected and he was forced to take laxatives to obtain bowel function. After hearing about the effectiveness of Cherokee Valley's Herbal Tea to regulate the body's systems, I purchased some. On May 16, 1995, my husband started taking your product. After only 1 week, his bowels began to function "normally" and he hasn't taken any laxative medication since. I'm telling all my friends about your wonderful product! Thank you for developing this inexpensive, herbal alternative.

Mike P., a construction worker wrote: Years ago, while on a job, I suffered a permanent back injury. Since my accident, I have been plagued with pain and stiffness in my lower back and shoulders. Recently, I began using Cherokee Valley's Arthritis Tea. Imagine my surprise . . . no more morning pain or stiffness! Good job!

D.N. from Piqua, Ohio wrote: My sister recently sent me a "care package" of your herbal ointment and tea. (Arthritis regular-strength ointment and arthritis herbal tea) I would like to let you know that the ointment has done wonders for my knees. I was diagnosed recently with Lupus and have almost constant joint pain. Your ointment has been wonderful! I have a friend that also suffers from Lupus so I am passing your catalog along to her. Thank you SO MUCH!

Cathy Ellingson from Clearlake, CA wrote: I just love your heating pads so much, that I am giving you permission to use my full name on your testimonial page! I believe that everyone should have one of these wonderful heating pads -- they are the best thing in the world for arthritis! They fit anyplace on your body -- perfectly. (Knees, neck, back, etc.) And, you aren't tied to one spot with them, because there are no wires to plug in. They are just the best thing ever invented!

Cynthia L. wrote: Your Kidney Stone-B-Gone Tea is fantastic! I have NO MORE kidney stone pain! Years ago, I was diagnosed with kidney stones, and underwent a very expensive laser treatment to get rid of them. Unfortunately, they recently came back. A friend told me about your tea that dissolves the stones, and I'm writing to tell everyone -- IT REALLY WORKS! I'm living proof. I'd like to shout it from the rooftop, that's how wonderful your tea is. Bless you.

Chyna S. from Muncie, IN wrote: These candles must burn forever!!!! I have one of the star/money candles burning and I have fallen asleep with it burning more than once. I am impressed!!! Thanks again!

Marcia Travelstead writes: I love candles and have purchased several different kinds of money/cash candles over the years. I can truly say these are my favorites. They burn for several hours and are very reasonably priced compared to many others. Best part is that they truly keep on giving. Other candles you burn down and your "one coin" is at the bottom or right away at the top of the candle. These continue to deliver surprises all along. In addition, they're fragranced-unlike most other money candles. Makes a great gift or a treat for yourself. I will buy more when I exhaust my current supply.

To: All Candle Lovers; 04-14-05
I'm a new Cherokeeherbs customer and I recently ordered a beautiful, "Treasure Candle" for my son. This was my first order, and I wanted to say how impressed we were with the incredible customer service, and the speedy delivery! These handmade candles are very well crafted, and will burn for a long time! They are very high quality- Filled with the most wonderful little, hidden, treasure gifts, that everyone will love. The candle's fragrance is a light, uplifting scent that is sure to relax anyone. The sea green color is beautiful. I am very please to have found, Cherokeeherbs candles, These special candles make the perfect gift! Thank you very much, Judi, for the ultimate, "Candle Experience!," Stacy L. - - New York State

We would like to thank our many wonderful customers who took the time to call or write, giving us their personal testimonials and permission to reproduce them on this page. We hope to update this site to include their stories, in the near future.


Home page
Cordless Heating Pads and Sinus Pack
Lip Balms
Treasure Candles
Bath Salts
Herbal Information

Cherokee Valley Herbs & Medicinals
P.O. Box 2771
Carbondale, IL 62902-2771

Questions? Comments?
We'd love to hear from you!
Email: cherokeeherbs@yahoo.com